Final Project Idea

30 Oct 2023


Josiah Kila, Kelly Sato, Lauren Clayton, Richard Baltazar


Problem: Students in college tend to desire to have some advice from their predecessors but usually there is no central forum to check for notes/studying resources pertaining to the class/subject that the student is struggling with, usually people have to make do with finding alumnis of the class by luck

Solution: Our solution is the Peer To Peer Study Material Exchange Site which is an application designed for UH Manoa students to solve the absence of a centralized hub to post study material content for courses by allowing their fellow students to gather insight from their experiences that they can post on the site

Mockup page ideas

Possible pages would include,

Use case ideas

The user would first appear on the landing page, where they would proceed to either sign in/ sign up on the sign in page with their personal infornation, Where they can go to the profile page to optionally double check the information is right. Finally they can either add a post themselves, or browse for the post of the subject they desire through the browse page, save it if they want to and view it on their saved posts page any time.

Beyond the basics