Shapes C++ Assignment

After learning Java and HTML, my class at the time required me to learn the basic aspects of the C/C++ programming language. This project helped me gain efficiency in the language and learned how to operate object oriented programming using the new syntax. The project allowed me to gain insight into the different ways that the C programming language implements inheritence compared to other languages I’ve used.

The program asks users to input a shape from a list of 7 shapes that you would want to create. It then asks for the dimensions of the shape and uses those measurements to display the shapes volume and the predecessor/parent class objects dimensions (Sphere . Circle). The inheritence is used for this activity to show the relation between a child and its parent object and hwo the child object can use the same properties to facilitate its own dimensions

This is an example portion of the assignment, where a circle is derived from a shape, and a sphere is derived from a circle

class Shape {
   virtual void printDetails() const = 0;
   virtual const char* name() const = 0;
   virtual void inputData() = 0;
   virtual double area() const = 0;
   virtual double volume() const {
      return 0.0;

class Circle : public Shape {
   Circle (double r = 0.0) {
      if (r<0) r=-r;
      radius = r;
   const char* name() const{
      return "Circle";
   void printDetails() const{
      cout << "The " << name() << "'s area = " << area() << endl;
   void inputData() {
      cout << "Enter the " << name() << "'s radius: ";
      cin >> radius;
         radius = -radius;
   double area() const {
      return PI * radius * radius;
   double radius;
class Sphere: public Circle {
        Sphere(double r):Circle(r){


        const char * name() const{
            return "Sphere";
        void printDetails() const{
            cout << "The " << name() << "'s surface area = " << area() << endl;
            cout << "The " << name() << "'s volume = " << volume() << endl;
        double area() const {
            return 4*PI * radius * radius;
        double volume() const {
            return ((4*PI * radius * radius* radius)/3);